Monday, April 30, 2012

Ledger Scenarios

In this post we will explain the meaning of term "Scenario" in Financial Accounting. In first place, it is important to know that Scenarios are assigned to Ledgers. To have a clear picture about the concept of Scenario this could be a good definition: "A Scenario defines the fields to be transferred from different application components in General Ledger Accounting".

In Customizing, to assign a scenario to a Ledger, we follow this path:

Also in customizing, to display the fields for a scenario, we follow the path:

For using in your particular project, SAP provides several standard scenarios as “Cost Center update”, “Profit Center update”, etc, but it is possible to create customer ones if any of previous ones match your needs.

To finish this post, when we assign a scenario to a Ledger we have to take into account the performance. A great quantity of assigned scenarios could low the system performance.

Standard totals table

It's sure that you have used those tables in whichever moment of your SAP life. They are very useful, functionally or technically speaking. SAP provides Totals Table in Financial area and Funds Management area containing several available fields (Profit center, segment, functional area, etc). The tables allow distinction between leading ledger and non.leading ledger.

Also, it is important to know that the tables allow field enhancements to adapt them to our needs.


In customizing the tables are specified following the path:

Activation of New General Ledger

A small action, a big change! The benefits of the New General Ledger is explained in a separated post. Now we indicate how to activate it. New General ledger is activated following the path in customizing:

SPRO-> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide->Financial Accounting>Financial Accouting Global Settings->Activate New General Ledger Accounting

The activation will modify paths in customizing, changing the menu to “Financial Accounting (New)” and “General Ledger Accounting (New)”.

New General Ledger

What say about New GL? The response is easy: The use of New General Ledger provides some advantages in compassion with previous versions.
  • More Integration, most of ledgers are integrated into one with less cost of reconciliation and closing effort.
  • Easier to maintain than classic GL.
  • Document splitting in real time, it allows obtain balances at more detailed level than company code.
  • Integration in real time from CO to FI.
  • Segment reporting. Information at segment level.
  • More power in Reporting because we obtain lower level of detail.
  • Parallel ledgers (leading ledgers [0L] and non-leading ledgers), to provide the information following different financial principles.
  • Customized fields can be added to the ledger.

Main components of Financial Accounting

This is a short post... but important! Although there are several sub modules included in FI, the four related in this post are the common ones in a SAP installation:
  • FI-GL. General Ledger Accounting. It is the main module; it provides the central picture for external accounting.
  • FI-AP. Accounts Payable. Accounting data for Vendors, closely related with purchasing module.
  • FI-AR. Accounts Receivable. Accounting data for Customers, closely related with sales module.
  • FI-AA. Assets Management. The module manage assets from the acquisition to the retirement, and the evolved calculations (depreciation, etc)

How to check Consumed in a Period

The report specified in this post is very important in FM Module. If you work with Funds Management, you will use it in many cases. Some days ago, I used it for a specific case, in particular to know the consumed in a specific period. The standard report we are talking about is FMRP_RW_BUDCON.

How do we access to the specific data for a period? Follow next steps:

Enter the selection criteria.

Select the report for Comsumptions in the left area of the screen.

In the column Consumed, double-click in the total.

Chose Actuals line items.

Enter the proper period and criteria to generate the report, that's all!

Download FMDERIVE data

It's the moment for a key transaction in Funds Management, FMDERIVE. Sometimes we need to download data stored in FMDERIVE transaction in order to perform some local checks. For example, if we have done a massive change in FMDERIVE and we want to perform some checks , it is easier to perform them in local, for example in a spreadsheet.

The way to download data of FMDERIVE is known the SAP table where the data is stored.

And how we know the SAP Table? Easy.

Go to FMDERIVE, select the line where you want to download data (line with data to download is identified with the icon “Table” in the first column called “Maintain Entries”).

Click in the button Chosse (F2), it is the icon “magnifying glass”.

In the next screen click in button overview (Shift+F6), it is the icon “landscape”.

You will see the name of table where the entries are stored. “The rule entries are stored in table xxxxxx”.

The last step is go to SE16 transaction, enter the name of the table, display the entries and download using the standard SAP tool in following menu: System->List->Save->Local File

Reporting - WBS Elements Overview

The SAP standard transaction CN43N displays a list of WBSs with overview information of each one.

In the selection screen, you have to select the profile for logical database to be used, clicking in the button “Other DB profile”. The standard one is 000000000001 to view project definitions structurally, but you can choose a custom one if you have for your installation.

The election of the data profile can determinate the fields you will have in the selection screen.

When output report is shown you can navigate to WBS or Project Definition (CJ20N) clicking in the corresponding field.

Also the information can be downloaded to local file with following menu option:

Menu Evaluation->Export->Local File.

Reporting - Cost Centers Actual/Plan/Commitment

To have clear the useful of this report, we must to have clear the meaning of Commitment.

Commitments are costs that will be incurred in the future for material or services that we have requested.

For this reason, Commitments reserve funds for the future costs.

Now, we have a look to the report S_ALR_87013620.

In Selection Screen we enter the Controlling Area, Fiscal Year, Periods, Plan version, Cost Center/Group (Optional) and Cost Element/Group (Optional).

The Output report contains:

Initially in the left box you can see the Cost Center or Groups listed with the parameters you entered previously. You can choose whichever at level you want.

In the right box, by Cost element are listed:

- Actual Costs: Cost incurred

- Commitment Costs: Cost that will be incurred in the future.

- Allotted: Total Actual + Commitments

- Plan: Planned Costs

- Available: Planned Costs – Allocated.

Company Code is Productive

With SAP transaction OBY6 we set Company Code global data.

In particular there is a checkbox called “Company Code is Productive”. If you mark the checkbox, the Transactional Data or Master Data can not be deleted from the system.

Usually the flag is marked in production environment but not in development or integration environment because it could be useful for test purposes delete the data created during a test phase in order to have the system clean of data for the starting of following test phase.

Additionally to SAP transaction OBY6, the checkbox could be reached in customizing (SPRO) following the path:

or the path:

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Reporting - Cost Centers Variance, Actual vs Plan costs

With the standard Controlling report S_ALR_87013611 (Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance) is displayed Actual vs Plan costs for a specific periods and plan versions.

In the selection screen is filled the Controlling Area, Fiscal Year, Periods, Plan Version to use, Cost centers group/Cost centers (optional) and Cost Elements group/Cost elements (optional)

Report Output:

Initially in the left box you can see the Cost Centers or Groups listed with the parameters you entered previously. You can choose whichever at level you want.

In the right box the information of plan costs, actual costs and variance are shown at cost element level. It is shown a block with the debit values, then a block with the credit values and the corresponding summarization levels.

The Over/Underabsorption sum level is the difference between the debit and the credit. If credit is greater than debit there is overabsortion, if debit is greater that credit there is underabsortion.

After that, a block with Statistical posting is shown if they are found with the selection criteria chosen previously.

The same occurs with the following block, Parked Posting, if there are Vendor parked invoices with the criteria entered, the value is displayed. You could navigate to invoice details doing double click in the value.

The following information group, Parked Posting, displays the activity sent to customers cost centers and WBS by the Cost Centers of the report.

And finally, Statistical Key Figures block is the total SKF in the cost centers of the report.

In each moment you can select a line (item or total line) with doubleclick to perform further review. Usually the option “Cost Centers: Actual Line Items” is the best one because gives more detail.

Finally, the report results can be exported to excel, there are two ways, depending the report level you want to print:

- Click List->Export->Spreadsheet
- Select “Excel”
- Type the path an name of the output file.

The second option is:

-          - Click System->List->Save->Local File
-          - Select “Spreadsheet”.
-          - Type the path an name of the output file.

Validation of Accounting Document

SAP transaction for creating validations in FI Module is OB28. Also there is a global transaction GGB0 where the developer can create validations in others SAP modules, included FI.

With the new Financial Acounting (New), there are several paths to reach the transaction from Customizing (SPRO transaction), for example:

One validation can be built by a large number of steps (up to 999) and each step is described by following statements:

Prerequisite: Determines when the value entered should be checked.

Check: Determines when the value entered is valid. Is True the transaction continue, else a message is displayed.

Message: Determine the message to be shown if the check is false.

SAP Technical - ABAP

SAP Query
Standard totals table

SAP Functional - FM

Download FMDERIVE data
How to check Consumed in a Period
Standard totals table

SAP Functional - PS

Reporting - WBS Elements Overview

SAP Functional - CO

Copy Cost Center Plan
Reporting - Cost Centers Actual/Plan/Commitment
Reporting - Cost Centers Variance, Actual vs Plan costs

SAP Functional - FI

Activation of New General Ledger
Automatic Payments
Banks in SAP
Company Code is Productive
Customer Master Data
Display Vendor Line Items
Document Changes
Exchange Rates
Field Status Group
Financial Statement
FI Posting with F-02
Ledger Scenarios
Main components of Financial Accounting
New General Ledger
Number Ranges for Accounting Documents
Park FI Document
Reverse a FI Document
Splitting in General Accounting
Standard totals table
Validation of Accounting Document
What is a Customer Credit Memo?
What is a Customer Invoice?
What is a Vendor Invoice?
Withholding tax