Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What is a Customer Invoice?

What is a Customer Invoice? 

Good question, a customer invoice is an accounting document.

Yes, but what it represents? It’s a request for payment of whichever thing provided to a customer.

Transaction to enter a customer invoice is FB70 or F-22. Also could be entered following the path:

SAP Menu->Accouting->Financial Accouting->Accounts Receivable->Document Entry-> FB70 Invoice or F-22 – Invoice General

When we are creating the customer invoice, we will enter in the first tab the Basic Data, like Posting date, Invoice Date, Currency, text, calculate tax (if apply), the customer number in the customer field… and don’t forget to enter In Payment tab the payment terms.

If you want to simulate the post of the document, the “Simulate” button is available. Very useful, once you agree with the displayed results by the simulation, the document could be posted using the “Save” button.


  1. I would like to use customer invoice in our business, because it makes customer to feel comfortable and easy for payments.

     Invoice Template 

  2. Yes! you'll have a lot of benefits using SAP Customer Invoices
