Sunday, August 12, 2012

Customer Master Data

Customers… En SAP we perform a special management of them. Without enter in CRM module, FI-SD offers a good management of customers. Master data is created and shared cross module, being FI and SD the main ones using this master data.

When we create a customer in SAP, several groups of information is entered. The Financial related one can be divided into 2 groups:

  • General Data. Information entered like name, address, language, etc. 
  • Company Code data. This information is related to the company code where the customer is used. Examples of data entered here: recondition account to be used, the payment terms, bank details, the dunning procedure, alternative payer, etc. 

SAP transaction code to enter Customer data is FD01 or XD01. Also following those paths:

SAP Menu->Accounting->Financial Accounting->Accounts Receivable->Master Records->FD01 – Create 


SAP Menu->Accounting->Financial Accounting->Accounts Receivable->Master Records->Maintain Centrally-> XD01 – Create 

After Customer creation, the data can be shown with FD03 or XD03; and modify with FD02 or XD02.

After that, the changes performed in the mater data can be listed using this transaction: FD04 or XD04. Old and new field values are listed for your checks.

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