Monday, April 30, 2012

Download FMDERIVE data

It's the moment for a key transaction in Funds Management, FMDERIVE. Sometimes we need to download data stored in FMDERIVE transaction in order to perform some local checks. For example, if we have done a massive change in FMDERIVE and we want to perform some checks , it is easier to perform them in local, for example in a spreadsheet.

The way to download data of FMDERIVE is known the SAP table where the data is stored.

And how we know the SAP Table? Easy.

Go to FMDERIVE, select the line where you want to download data (line with data to download is identified with the icon “Table” in the first column called “Maintain Entries”).

Click in the button Chosse (F2), it is the icon “magnifying glass”.

In the next screen click in button overview (Shift+F6), it is the icon “landscape”.

You will see the name of table where the entries are stored. “The rule entries are stored in table xxxxxx”.

The last step is go to SE16 transaction, enter the name of the table, display the entries and download using the standard SAP tool in following menu: System->List->Save->Local File

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